Monday, September 10, 2007

Ok Seriously I need to keep blogging

Well Rails Rumble is over, and we have our site up. If you want to check it out. The weekend was great, we had a super team just ran out of time. If there is something that I learned from this contest it is that if you put your mind to something you can get it done. We plan on working on Elf List in the next couple months and I hope we can take the beta version live to the public for use around the beginning of November. For information on the development of Elf List check out where you will find our team blog.

In other news I am almost finished with sometime next week I should have the site live. Its been such a crazy last couple of weeks with the start of school and the Rumble but now that everything has calmed down back to my crazy life I can concentrate on a million things rather than a million and one. :)

One more news worthy note, in October I will be presenting Ruby on Rails to the Chippewa Valley .Net User Group ( This should be an exciting presentation opening some .Net developers to my world as they open me up to theirs every month.